Grande Inauguração
15 March, 2025 • 20:00 (UTC -3)
Server Rates
RateXp = 43x.RateSp = 43x.
RateDropSpoil = 20x.
RateDropAdena = 55x.
RateDropSealStones = 70x.
RateRaidBoss = 10x.
RateDropItems = 2x.
RateQuestsReward = 4x.
RateQuestsDrop = 4x.
RateClanRepScore = 20x.
Safe Enchant = +3.Scroll Enchant = 50%.
Blessed Enchant = 60%.
Crystal Enchant = 70%.
Max Armor = +16.
Max Jewels = +16.
Max Weapon = +16.
RaidBoss Level 76+ = Drop Scroll, Blesseds and Crystal.
Personal Game
SHOP = Armor/Weapon/Jewel: No Grade/B Grade for Adena.Farming Medal = Armor/Weapon/Jewel: A Grade Sealed.
S Grade = Armor/Weapon: For TvT and drop RaidBoss.
Jewel Epic's Boss = Bubble's Epic's - Visit Lucy the Cat.
Blood Infinity Sword Talking - All skill = Bubble Sword.
AutoFarm = Free.
ACP = Auto Potion Free.
NPC Buff = Available.
Anti-Bot Captcha.
Use commands: .class | .menu | .acp | .autofarm | .withdraw | .deposit.
Box Limit PC = 2 Per IP.
Skill Duration Buff = 2 hours.
Buffs Slot = 24 Skill.
Auto Learn Skills.
Character 1st Occupation = Adena - Get 1 VIP Doll 1 Day.
Character 2st Occupation = Adena - Segredo.
Character 3st Occupation = Adena - Get Adventurer Expert.
Class Master = Use commands .class
SubClass = 1 Gold Bar.
Noblesse = Quest (materials sold in the shop).
Talking Island Features
Soul Crystal Stage 13 = Barakiel, Ember and Sailren.Exchange Grade S = Apella Armor Advance in Rune Township.
Raid/Grand Boss GK = Special Drop and Gold Vip.
Olympiad = 30 Days.
Castle Siege = 15/15 Days;
Event Battle Fortress 100% Death.
TvT Battle Schedule = 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 00:00.
Lineage 2 Talking Island